Hello Beautiful Merpeeps!
It's been a while since I've done a blog update, so here ya go! I've been pretty busy with my day job this summer/fall and haven't had as much time to commit to social media, marketing, and promoting my little jewelry business as much as would like.
I started out with an Etsy shop, and I still have it running but don't use it anymore unless I get a sale from what's currently listed. Etsy tends to take out a lot in fees and charges when you post a listing and when you make a sale... and that adds up! I switched to Shopify a few months ago because of the more professional website look and more seller/buyer friendly options and so far I love that aspect of it.
When transitioning from Etsy to Shopify, you have to focus more on the marketing aspect and driving organic traffic to your online shop because with Etsy, you're already part of a large consumer database (people search through Etsy and your listings show up), but with Shopify, you don't have that. It's ALL based on advertising, word of mouth, link sharing, marketing, and constant social media updates to create traffic flow to your website. Research says for small online shops, on average it takes 2 years to create an established customer base and really get your name out there, and I'm really just starting out, so I'm being patient.
What YOU can do to help support small handmade businesses like mine is to SHOP LOCAL, SHOP SMALL, and if you can't buy something, that's ok! - share, like, or comment on postings, photos, and shop updates to make the shop more visible in the social media world.
What YOU can do to help support small handmade businesses like mine is to SHOP LOCAL, SHOP SMALL, and if you can't buy something, that's ok! - share, like, or comment on postings, photos, and shop updates to make the shop more visible in the social media world.
I totally understand copper jewelry like I create isn't everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! I found something I love to do and I'm passionate about, and I as long as my art can make some people happy, it's a success in my book. I'm not trying to please everyone, I'm creating jewelry that makes MY soul smile, and I hope it can do the same for a few others as well.
So for your holiday shopping this season, shopping local, shopping small, and supporting small businesses any way you can will make a huge difference!
Thankfully I don't rely on my sales as my main income, but thanks to the whole Covid pandemic causing me to lose my job in March, non-Covid related losses putting me even more in debt, and dwindling my savings away just trying to stay afloat, every sale I can make takes a little bit of the weight off my shoulders and I'm so very grateful for every single creation that is purchased.
I'm grateful for many things, and I appreciate all you wonderful souls that took the time to read this <3.
Namaste friends!
